

Class of 2007

Thanks to everyone who Downloaded, or is going to Download my newest mix! I wanted to make a point w/ this mix, to prove that there is STILL some GOOD HIP HOP out there, I mean NEW shit that DOESN'T make people say "this sounds like some '93 type shit"....and I don't wanna spark up the whole 'Hip Hop is Dead' controversy, but I want to recognize GOOD Hip Hop while it's still current, instead of not appreciating it when it's out then calling it classic later. Don't get me wrong, there is TONS of wack ass shit out there, but the way true Hip Hop is, and always HAS been, is that it doesn't come to your doorstep. You have to go out and look for it....UNTIL NOW! With my NEW 2007 MIXTAPE!! But seriously, I wanted to highlight good music, and artists, and producers, and songs that made a mark in 'o7. I may have forgot, or omitted your favorite song, or artist, but forgive me. I'm only human, and a CD is only 80 minutes. I REALLY wanted to host this CD, but I couldn't find my mic chord. I know that may dissapoint a small number of you, (a VERY small number), but for most it's a blessing. Enjoy the mix while the link is still alive, and please post feedback!
